Microblading eyebrows, everything you need to know

You might be familiar with the “cost per wear” argument, where someone justifies a pricey purchase by arguing it will be frequently worn and, therefore, the cost is justified.

Eyebrow Microblading

I wake up at 4:30 am every morning, usually looking unkempt. As an avid skincare enthusiast, I still manage to apply my five layers of essences, serums, and creams, but that’s about all the energy I have. Occasionally, I’ll add concealer and eyebrow gel, depending on how necessary they feel and how long it’s taken me to get out of bed.

I’ve always thought microblading was a good idea but never really looked into it. The idea of having eyebrows that look “on fleek” right from the start appealed to me; well-done brows frame your face and instantly make you look more put-together.

So, when a friend told me she had thoroughly researched the procedure and found a reputable place, I trusted her completely and booked an appointment as a true testament to our friendship.

A few days after the treatment, I loved the look so far. However, the upkeep is a bit demanding: my brows must avoid water at all costs (I wear a plastic visor in the shower), and they need to stay moisturised 24/7 (so I sleep with cling film on my face to seal in the aftercare cream).

In hindsight, I probably should have done my own research. Here’s everything I wish I knew (and you should know if you’re considering getting it done):


Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattoo that can last from one to four years

The longevity of the results from eyebrow microblading or the feathering technique depends on the client’s skin type; oily skin typically lasts between one and two years, while dry to normal skin can last between two and four years, according to a cosmetic tattoo artist and founder of a clinic in Sydney.

Lifestyle factors, such as excessive UV sun exposure, can also reduce the lifespan of the brows, as can hormones, medications, and the use of active skincare products like retinol, vitamin C, and AHAs.

Before your appointment, avoid drinking alcohol

It’s recommended that you stop using aspirin, Voltaren, and fish oils a week before your procedure and avoid alcohol. This helps to minimize bleeding during the procedure. It’s normal to experience some bleeding, but it’s usually minimal.

Also, refrain from getting your eyebrows plucked, waxed, or threaded before your appointment

This allows your brow artist to work with your natural shape.


Consider Your Desired Eyebrow Shape

Feel free to bring along photographs for reference as well. During my initial consultation, I was queried about my preference between a softer or more pronounced brow appearance. (If you’re uncertain, opt for the softer version; amplifying the intensity later is simpler than diminishing the prominence of bold brows.) Additionally, you’re given a choice to decide on the arch’s elevation and whether you favour an ombre effect, which means lighter at the beginning and darker towards the end.

The symmetry of my eyebrows was assessed, and I was asked to make various facial expressions, like smiling and frowning, allowing the artist to observe the natural positioning of my brows and to identify the more pronounced brow from the more relaxed one. She sketched potential shapes, which we reviewed and refined until satisfied. Subsequently, I underwent a colour-matching procedure to find the perfect pigment shade.

Due to underlying skeletal structure, muscles, fat pads, and skin, it’s understood that two eyebrows will not be perfectly identical. However, the objective is to achieve symmetry through careful mapping and measuring, adjusting lift and extending as necessary. The artist aimed to enhance each individual’s beauty in the most natural and tailored way possible.

It doesn’t hurt

Microblading Eyebrow

Before microblading and after the consultation, I had an anaesthetic cream on my eyebrows for about 30 minutes. Then it took about 10-15 minutes to groom each eyebrow. Very simple.

The artist uses a scalpel-like tool (eyebrow microblading) with tiny needles with different heads and curvature that create tiny strokes of hair that blend in with the client’s natural existing hair.

It is used to lightly scratch the surface layer of the skin with a combination of upward and downward curves to give the hairs a natural three-dimensional appearance. The skin is cut through the fine lines of hairs, and then the pigment is absorbed into the skin. Skin and heal into natural-looking hairs.

Allow the eyebrows to heal and strengthen

You will experience mild soreness immediately after your cosmetic eyebrow tattoo procedure, usually after one to two days.
Limit any physical activity (such as swimming or saunas) or exposure to direct sunlight, which can cause premature fading.

I was given Protat eyebrow grooming cream, and I applied it at least five times a day (about every two to three hours) to prevent infection and scab formation, as well as to prevent my eyebrows from drying out. As mentioned, applying food wrap over Protate-coated brows before bed will fix the cream and prevent it from smearing on the sheets.

There’s also a waterproof shower visor! Exercise should also be kept to a minimum, especially if you sweat a lot. (Light exercise is acceptable; just be sure to wash your hands and wipe down your equipment to avoid infection.)

How many touch-up treatments are needed

After approximately two weeks, your eyebrows will heal. As a result, the initial intensity and density will fade and the desired shade of colour will begin to appear. After about four to six weeks, you should undergo a routine ‘touch up’. “touch-up”, especially if you want to make any changes to the shape of your eyebrow or fill in areas that need changing after some areas have faded during the healing process. This repetition helps the tattoo last longer and helps the ink penetrate the skin more firmly.

Finally, your third retouch should be scheduled between three and four weeks, but not everyone will need a third retouch. Depending on how well you follow these follow-up care recommendations and how quickly the semi-permanent ink fades, you should not need to schedule another appointment (touch-up/colour freshening) for one to three years.

After microblading, your eyebrows will grow back as normal

Continue trimming, plugging, waxing or threading as usual.

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